Tuesday, 14 December 2010

IPP lesson - 09/12/2010

Today for our IPP session, we got into groups of 4 or so and discussed with each other what we wanted to do for our careers in the future and how we would get there, things we would need and what the path to our goal from our graduation would most likely look like.

For mine I wrote down being a children's illustrator and that what I needed most was to start working on an original idea and enter competitions and such to get my work out there. At least once I have my original idea and the designs for it under my belt I can start spreading the word around. I have heard about self-publishing as well but for now I want to try different routes and that can be my back-up plan! The career path I made squiggly and run all over the place because honestly I don't know how difficult it will be but I imagine it will not be an easy road and definately not one guaranteed to end in success.

It was a useful session, and stressed the importance of having an online presence, which I am happy to say is something I have constantly been doing for the past six years via http://lubrian.deviantart.com.

So just need to keep on drawing and working towards the penguin competition for the most part as well as update my CV to make it relevant to my chosen career path.