Saturday, 12 February 2011

IPP Session 2

On Tuesday I went into college for the IPP session on Interviews!

It was a very useful experience, we heard from experienced students examples of good and bad things to do at interviews:
- If in the past you worked in a team, when you apply for a job don't say what the team did, say what you did.
- Always be confident, not the shy, bumbling, 'Columbo' type.
- Prepare before you go - look into questions you think you can answer and especially those that might be harder such as 'what are your weakness' and questions concerning salaries! Research how much you should earn first!
- Always be truthful on your CV so you don't get caught out.
- Try and bring forward your passion for the job.
- When applying, it is sometimes best to ask for a meeting instead of a job as there is then less pressure around the interview on both sides. You can also feel out if it is the kind of job you want this way.
- We also were told that sometimes, even if you find your perfect job, the workplace itself may have a negative effect on you and persuade you away from what you loved about the job. You need to be careful of where you choose to work.
- Bring a notebook along to the interview with a list of questions you want answered about the job.
- Don't be afraid to ask how the interview went afterwards, for tips on your next one.

All in all it was a very helpful session and I am glad I attended :)
Have just finished writing my CV at the moment and almost done with the 800 word report which are both also useful things for the future.

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